Discuss Henry Cavill

I thought there was a thread for this. Anyway, Diane Lane gave a short but brutal answer about JL.


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So, people are FINALLY talking about this. I believe I made a statement about HC's comment towards Snyder along with Ben's diss as well. Anyway, here is what HC said about Zach. It was in his latest magazine interview.


@Poetist said:

So, people are FINALLY talking about this. I believe I made a statement about HC's comment towards Snyder along with Ben's diss as well. Anyway, here is what HC said about Zach. It was in his latest magazine interview.


His comments kind of remind me of Stephen Dorf’s for The Immortals movie. While promoting that film, Dorf was all praises for Tarsem’s vision for that movie. Years later, he starts complaining about how boring the movie was and started dissing his co-star.

Not so long ago, HC was all praises for Zack and even mentioned in past interviews how excited he was seeing MOS before it was released. Now here we are in 2017 and his tune is different now.

How the tides have changed... Some years ago, Christopher Nolan hired the Snyders to do the MOS movie, and they were allowed to create a dark Superman movie which seemed to try to replicate the dark atmosphere of Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, which I personally didn’t think was appropriate for a Superman film. WB seemed all supportive of it, but now...

I guess WB has allowed him and Ben to open up about it, given they had let the Snyders go and want to emphasise they are taking their movies in a ‘new direction’ without Snyder.

@ToniTurnyne said:

@Poetist said:

So, people are FINALLY talking about this. I believe I made a statement about HC's comment towards Snyder along with Ben's diss as well. Anyway, here is what HC said about Zach. It was in his latest magazine interview.


His comments kind of remind me of Stephen Dorf’s for The Immortals movie. While promoting that film, Dorf was all praises for Tarsem’s vision for that movie. Years later, he starts complaining about how boring the movie was and started dissing his co-star.

In all honesty, Stephen didn't take years to diss HC. He said it in print and more recently on a podcast/radio.

Not so long ago, HC was all praises for Zack and even mentioned in past interviews how excited he was seeing MOS before it was released. Now here we are in 2017 and his tune is different now.

I guess no one has heard of burning bridges.

I wonder if he's still with Lucy.

From NYTimes:

Even as his profile rose, he never thought of himself as a Lothario when he was single. (He declines to “chum the waters” by talking about his current relationship, though the tabloids have him dating Lucy Cork, a 25-year-old stuntwoman.)

When he was dating, he said, “I couldn’t do the whole, ‘Hey, can I get your number? Cool,’ and then call them a week later. When I like someone, I like someone. I don’t play hard to get. I can’t be texting four or five different women all at one time. I can’t do my Wednesday girl, my Monday girl, my Friday girl, my weekend girl, my after-12 p.m. girl.”

“To put it in simple terms, I never had ‘game,’” he said. It is fair to say, however, that those days are fading quickly.

Men's Health article:


"swings by the set to observe quietly in the background and keep tabs."

Nevermind, they're still together.

Also he talks about how it's getting a bit late to have kids.

Cavill listens to country music and Momoa to metal.

07:42 I think Affleck should watch it. Since the Weinstein scandal, it isn't wise to grab someone or do crotch rubbing jokes right now.
12:02 Fisher rules!
22:48 Is Momoa shy? Was he looking at Cavill for help?

@watsonjudy835 said:

It's time you work on your reading comprehension. The statement "Swift might have feelings for Hiddleston" obviously entails a leading question: then did Hiddleston have feelings for Swift? A healthy relationship certainly cannot subsist on unilateral love.

You should take some vitamins to boost your memory, because it's lacking. We were talking about fake couples aka -show-mance. That means no feelings.

But if one party has feelings for the other one, then that's a completely different thing. For all we know, Swift thought Hiddleston liked her while he was just using her. Hiddleston was faking it, not Swift

@watsonjudy835 said:

And you're seriously using Google as your source of information? Circa 2016 and early 2017 Google told me that Harvey Weinstein is a feminist and polite and cordial to women, then what happened?

My source of information is the internet, because I can't stalk these people. And unlike you, I'd like links as evidence. So it's pointless to post gossips that I hear or read.

By the way, I could be wrong, but Google doesn't write articles, news etc. Google shows you links to other sources of information. It helps you find things that only exist online as well as the online version of almost everything you read in print, see on TV or hear on the radio.

So if Google told you that Weinstein is a feminist and polite and cordial to women, then that information was probably also in newspapers, magazines, on shows and so forth.

@watsonjudy835 said:

I'm on the fringe of the London theatre scene and even I heard that Hiddleston jumped on the chance because he thought it'll bump up his profile in Hollywood.

HiddleSwift is incontestably fake.


Swift might have feelings for Hiddleston.

Hidden question:

Did Hiddleston have feelings for Swift?


Even I heard that Hiddleston jumped on the chance because he thought it'll bump up his profile in Hollywood.


HiddleSwift is incontestably fake.

You're like a dog chasing its own tail. HiddleSwift is incontestably fake, but you're still wondering. asking, speculating. Make up your mind or quit using words you obviously don't seem to know the meaning of.

@watsonjudy835 said:

At any rate, I googled Hiddleswift myself and the articles that call out their relationship as fake far outnumbers those that stick to the opinion that it is genuine. You have the propensity for selecting information but I'm fine with that!

I know for a fact that if you ask any actor in London if he thinks Hiddleswift was real he will give you a laugh and say, "Of course it was fake!"

Is not about what Google or articles told you or what actors in London said. Is about you contradicting yourself. The relationship is incontestably fake, which means you're a 100% sure it's fake. Then you can't say that Swift might have feelings for Hiddelson or ask if Hiddleston did have feelings for Swift. Those are things you should have asked and answered before concluding and saying that the relationship is incontestably fake.

Is not like this is the first time that you're expressing your opinion about HiddleSwift. You've been yapping about HiddleSwift since the Stone Age. HiddleSwift is over and out and you still can't make up your mind.

@watsonjudy835 said:

You have the propensity for selecting information but I'm fine with that!

You don't post any evidence to back up what you say. You just recklessly say whatever malarkey pop-up in your brain. You expect people to blindly believe what you say, but you can't even make up your mind about HiddleSwift.

If you have a problem with the information I chose, you can post information that shows the opposite. Easy! Stop complaining without providing an alternative.

But I doubt you'll fine a source that says that Swift dated more UK boys than US boys and that Hiddleston has a fan base large enough that Swift can benefit from. I looked up that information on WDW and their social media pages. I didn't select any information to confirm or deny that HiddleSwift was fake, unhealthy, dysfunctional or real. That's all you. I just addressed how you contradicted yourself.

@watsonjudy835 said:

So you think I'm basically Don Quixote and Cavill is my windmill?

If only. Unfortunately, Cavill is real and you're a hater in disguise, eagerly looking for ways to say something negative.

Sure Affleck was bored only when Cavill was talking. And you don't have IG, but you're the first to broadcast that Cavill started following Luke Evans. By the way, that's just the stupid logic used on this board. You know, you must post on a board to know the posters or to know whether or not it's in balance.

@ToniTurnyne said:

she was barefoot when she married her first husband Lyle Lovett.

Roberts can establish whatever dress code she wants for her wedding. If she wants everybody to attend in their birthday suit, you can either do it or decline the invitation.

@ToniTurnyne said:

And I still can’t sympathise with him. But feel free to do so, because that seems to be your main purpose in life. His halo is so bright for you.

And the halo on the head of your like-minded friends shine so bright that you can't see through it.

The main purpose in life of you people, since IMDd and now here since February, is to give Cavill horns, fangs and a tail.

@ToniTurnyne said:

But it doesn’t stop some people from thinking he’s being a bit sexist and have a narrow view about women.

You mean people like you who are constantly looking for a way to criticize him?

@ToniTurnyne said:

Once upon a time, the dress code for women was to wear tight corsets and in one period wear poofy high wigs. Some dress codes can be broken...

I think you mean the fashion style changed. Dress code is specific to an occasion while fashion style is specific to a certain era. People can have several dress codes (school, work, home, club, shopping) in one day.

But whoever organizes a gathering has the right to establish a certain dress code. You don't have to attend, if you don't agree with the dress code.

Cannes is all about luxury. Flaunting super expensive everything. The celebrities know and love it. So don't be shocked if Cannes expects you to glam up. If you can't, then stay home.

Cavill, on the other hand, doesn't have that choice. All he can do is try to protect his loved ones by addressing the issue. Hopefully the haters will at least leave his loved ones out of it. Still no sympathy for him, because he indulges in luxury. But glammed up women who had a choice get sympathy.

Cavill at least addressed a growing problem, which is internet bullying. These women aren't truly against this dress code. They're still following it in Cannes and at other red carpet events.

I guess it's more fun to indulge in luxury, flaunt expensive things, be seen and network than to stick to your guns. Those who said something probably just used the opportunity to get a little bit more attention at Cannes.

@ToniTurnyne said:

And it is also why he’s comment may be viewed as sexist by some women. He speaks as if all women covets high-heeled shoes. Just because you’re one of those women who hates but buys them anyway, you don’t speak for all women either.

I didn't speak for all women and neither did Cavill. Saying many, most or not many isn't saying all. And he didn't say all women must wear high-heeled shoes. What he said is true and goes for a few other things too.

Many girls hate waxing/shaving, thongs, plucking their eyebrows and high heels. But not many girls would not do or wear those things despite what they say. Many women with not so severe back, knee etc. problem complain about high heels but refuse to wear flats. They sit down, wear spanks, wear shoes not to high or change to flats after showing off their high heels.

@ToniTurnyne said:

In my opinion, he is doing them because he truly believes in them, but also partly because it’s good for his image and it could help with the promotion of his film.

Don't forget good for his karma.

But if you believe Cavill truly believes in the charities that he supports, why didn't you say so? The way you wrote that paragraph, you put him with the other celebrities that are doing it because it's good for their public image.

@ToniTurnyne said:

Check my post up there, I did say, ‘a discussion board can have both negative and positive threads’. So you can assume that within a thread, I KNOW it can have both positive and negative posts.

I can't assume that. I'm on this discussion board and it only has positive threads with negative posts. I complained about the negativity (i.e., negative post) and you told me to make a positive thread, as if that will prevent negative posts. It's more obvious that you think negative threads have negative posts and positive threads have positive posts

@ToniTurnyne said:

Why would you like to withhold ‘haters’ from posting on your thread if you recognise this site is not a fan site?

Quit twisting my words. I didn't say I would like to withhold haters from posting. I know that I can't do that. But you obviously don't, because you advised me to make a positive thread, as if I can withhold haters from posting in it. And that's why I told you it was a senseless advice. There are many positive threads with negative posts already.

@ToniTurnyne said:

Oh please, in the context of your post, you are calling her out as a gay man because you wanted to be mean, and you are angry with her for her posts.

So gay man is a mean thing to call someone. Good to know you think that.

@ToniTurnyne said:

Look at the tone they were written. There is nothing positive about them.

But it is mind-boggling why someone sick of the ‘negativity’ on this board would then proceed to post a negative opinion herself!

Wallow in negativity?

You're still clutching at straws and taking things out of context. You're comparing a comment on a trailer with what you people are doing to a human being. And you wonder why I called you internet psychopath. A trailer is not a human being with feelings.

By the way, I don't care what you people do outside this board.

@ToniTurnyne said:

I see, so when you post a comment that some people may find negative, you are entitled to call it an ‘observation’. Ok. I guess our posts could be considered observations too then.

It's not observation or opinion when you twist things or make things up. You can neither read nor quote something properly.

@ToniTurnyne said:

Post something negative about the JL trailer. That’s fine by the way. But it is mind-boggling why someone sick of the ‘negativity’ on this board would then proceed to post a negative opinion herself!

Again, what is negative about saying: The trailer starts good, but then things go south. Awful CGI! And many jokes and smiles like Marvel. Bah!

@ToniTurnyne said:

The moderators are stricter here and so far I have not seen Poetist’s posts deleted. Neither have I seen her banned. Perhaps the owners of this board don’t find her so evil as you think.

The moderators can be "stricter" here, because this site isn't as big as IMDb. And you must report a post so it can get deleted. But this board just has a few posters and the majority of them seem to think alike.

I won't bother report anything. Let the posts remain perfectly visible for all to see what is going on on this board.

@ToniTurnyne said:

Mind you, he could have gotten a degree in acting or the theatre. Other actors have done that. I don’t see how Egyptology is any more practical than drama school though.

If I'm not mistaken, when you major in acting, you get a degree in fine arts (BFA).

And we know that Cavill has a fascination with Egyptology, but we don't know if his parents would have encouraged that. We know his parents discouraged acting.

@ToniTurnyne said:

I don’t know, but I am speculating he doesn’t. His views doesn’t show much faith in acting classes.

Actually, he kept bother his parents about drama school. So he wanted to be taught.

@ToniTurnyne said:

In any profession, even if you have a formal degree, it doesn’t hurt to take courses here and there just to be on top of new trends, techniques and sharpen your skills.

Cavill and I were talking about formal education, not follow-up courses.

@ToniTurnyne said:

HC’s history has shown long breaks in between movies sometimes, so if he was not getting ‘on the job training’, he could have taken some classes as he has not taken any. He could have taken some training or worked with a coach. But most of the time, the stories is about his physical training.

But my point was that he was talking about formal education and you took that as meaning acting classes and acting coaches too.

And we see some fan pictures of Cavill and what he posts on social media during his long breaks, but we don't know what else he does.

Because Cavill doesn't talk about acting classes/coach doesn't mean that he doesn't care for them. Perhaps he wants to keep that to himself. Unlike acting classes and coaches, he can't hide that he's training because his body changes. Also, his training and diet seem to be part of what Warner Bros. want him to say.

@Poetist said:

If a person comes on this board -- just -- to say the same things about me -- as Blanc -- then you have to wonder what the agenda is.

I'd expect an internet sadist like you, who constantly say negative things because the idea you may hurt someone gives you pleasure, would have thicker skin. But whatever Blanc did to you must have been more awful than racist comments and call you gay, because you can't get over it. You're obsessed with him. Your anger won't let you accept that others called you gay or a man before him. You keep using that and me as an excuse to keep saying his name. But whatever helps you get over your Blanc trauma.

@Poetist said:

I am the LC person who created the page.

So it went from posting on and copy/give body language analysis to create the whole anti Lucy IG. Each time you twist things, you're proving my point. Don't stop!

When you failed to show up last week, I thought I was going to be deprived of your scurrilous drivel for good. So glad I was wrong!

@watsonjudy835 said:

You should take some vitamins to boost your memory, because it's lacking. We were talking about fake couples aka -show-mance. That means no feelings.

But if one party has feelings for the other one, then that's a completely different thing. For all we know, Swift thought Hiddleston liked her while he was just using her. Hiddleston was faking it, not Swift.

If one party was faking it then it still isn't qualified as a "real" relationship, is it?

My source of information is the internet, because I can't stalk these people. And unlike you, I'd like links as evidence. So it's pointless to post gossips that I hear or read.

By the way, I could be wrong, but Google doesn't write articles, news etc. Google shows you links to other sources of information. It helps you find things that only exist online as well as the online version of almost everything you read in print, see on TV or hear on the radio.

So if Google told you that Weinstein is a feminist and polite and cordial to women, then that information was probably also in newspapers, magazines, on shows and so forth.

In short, what you mean is that we should blindly trust whatever that is written on the internet? You know what, I may wanna subscribe to this sort of ideology because it seems more appealable to the zeitgeist. Thanks, Triksy!

@watsonjudy835 said:

HiddleSwift is incontestably fake.


Swift might have feelings for Hiddleston.

Hidden question:

Did Hiddleston have feelings for Swift?


Even I heard that Hiddleston jumped on the chance because he thought it'll bump up his profile in Hollywood.


HiddleSwift is incontestably fake.

You're like a dog chasing its own tail. HiddleSwift is incontestably fake, but you're still wondering. asking, speculating. Make up your mind or quit using words you obviously don't seem to know the meaning of.

You're really pouncing on this "incontestably fake," aren't you? I think I ought to elaborate more on this score: What I heard was the Hiddleswift pairing was aimed at deflecting the Swift expose by Kimye, which happened a day after the RI rock pics, and also to bump up Hiddleston's profile in Hollywood. Swift had been idolising Hiddleston for years according to her pals (I think there are articles about it) and I do think she was willing to fake it with Hiddleston because the time was opportune, and also that she was hoping the relationship would become real in the long run.

I don't need to stalk people to know these things. I've friends working in London's theatre and agency. People talk.

Is not about what Google or articles told you or what actors in London said. Is about you contradicting yourself. The relationship is incontestably fake, which means you're a 100% sure it's fake. Then you can't say that Swift might have feelings for Hiddelson or ask if Hiddleston did have feelings for Swift. Those are things you should have asked and answered before concluding and saying that the relationship is incontestably fake.

Is not like this is the first time that you're expressing your opinion about HiddleSwift. You've been yapping about HiddleSwift since the Stone Age. HiddleSwift is over and out and you still can't make up your mind.

Because you kept dredging up the topic as though that was the coup de grace to shut me up for good. I'm more than happy to put it to bed.

If you have a problem with the information I chose, you can post information that shows the opposite. Easy! Stop complaining without providing an alternative.

But I doubt you'll fine a source that says that Swift dated more UK boys than US boys and that Hiddleston has a fan base large enough that Swift can benefit from. I looked up that information on WDW and their social media pages. I didn't select any information to confirm or deny that HiddleSwift was fake, unhealthy, dysfunctional or real. That's all you. I just addressed how you contradicted yourself.

I did not say Swift dated more UK boys. I said she has an obsession for UK boys. She's successively dated four British guys. Plus, Gigi Hadid said this: http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7510402/taylor-swift-gigi-hadid-explains-why-like-british-guys. But I guess you'd say that she did not use the word "obsessed" and Gigi isn't Taylor so what she said cannot be taken as truth.

If only. Unfortunately, Cavill is real and you're a hater in disguise, eagerly looking for ways to say something negative.

Sure Affleck was bored only when Cavill was talking. And you don't have IG, but you're the first to broadcast that Cavill started following Luke Evans. By the way, that's just the stupid logic used on this board. You know, you must post on a board to know the posters or to know whether or not it's in balance.

I know HC is following LE because someone was talking about it on a fan page on FB.

BTW, I google my name it doesn't show that I'm HC's hater in disguise. Sorry girl, if you think I'm a hater I'm afraid I need more proof (i.e a link that backs up your judgement)

@Phoebe21 said:



At least, this clip added something fun instead of talking heads pimping an ugly looking film.

@watsonjudy835 said:

When you failed to show up last week, I thought I was going to be deprived of your scurrilous drivel for good. So glad I was wrong!

Memory lacking again? Your comment is from Saturday, Nov 4th. I was here last week Tuesday, Oct. 24th. I don't post every day or regularly and I didn't agree to meeting you. You had no reason to expect me to show. I'm here when I have time to be here.

@watsonjudy835 said:

If one party was faking it then it still isn't qualified as a "real" relationship, is it?

We were talking about fake couples aka -show-mance and it doesn't qualify as that either. If only one is faking it, then it's real for the one who's not aware s/he is being deceived.

@watsonjudy835 said:

In short, what you mean is that we should blindly trust whatever that is written on the internet?

No, I did not say that. You should never trust, agree or believe anything blindly.

We all get our information from somewhere, because we can't eyewitness everything. You hear things from people around you or from strangers online. You can buy books, magazines and newspapers, listen to the radio and watch the TV.

Luckily for everybody, besides material that only exist online, you can also find a copy of books, magazines, newspapers, radio and TV transcripts/shows on the internet. So I don't understand what your problem with the internet and Google search engine is.

A person posts links to show where s/he got the information from. To show that what s/he is saying is not her/his own words/assumptions, just hearsay or completely made up.

So if you have a problem with the link, you're free to post a link that shows the opposite.

@watsonjudy835 said:

I don't need to stalk people to know these things. I've friends working in London's theatre and agency. People talk.

So.............. You blindly trust and believe whatever your friends working in London's theatre and agency say?

In short, what you mean is that we should blindly trust and believe whatever you say that your friends working in London's theatre and agency say?

How is any of this better than other gossip found online?

@watsonjudy835 said:

But I guess you'd say that she did not use the word "obsessed" and Gigi isn't Taylor so what she said cannot be taken as truth.

Besides those, Hadid said I think we both like the British sense of charm. The I think means she's not sure.

With that said, how could you go from sense of charm to obsession? Are you really that blind that you can't see how you grossly twisted that? You don't know what charm and obsess mean?

Whoa! This is really comical. Why did you even bother post that link? You do realize that you just proved my point, right? You like to twist things so they'll fit in whatever gobbledygook you're trying to pass off as fact.

@watsonjudy835 said:

You're really pouncing on this "incontestably fake," aren't you? I think I ought to elaborate more on this score: What I heard was the Hiddleswift pairing was aimed at deflecting the Swift expose by Kimye, which happened a day after the RI rock pics, and also to bump up Hiddleston's profile in Hollywood. Swift had been idolising Hiddleston for years according to her pals (I think there are articles about it) and I do think she was willing to fake it with Hiddleston because the time was opportune, and also that she was hoping the relationship would become real in the long run.

Honestly, I can't believe I'm still talking about this. But everything in that quote is hearsay, gossip, speculations and assumptions. At least post an article with Swift's pals' idolizing comment in it. And make sure it doesn't proof my point like the Hadid link did.

By the way, deflect expose by Kimye? I heard about the infamous phone call between Kanye and Swift, but I don't know much about it. But guess what, I Googled it and found the transcript and some other information to help me understand what happened.

So why would Swift deflect expose by Kimye? She had nothing to hide or fear. Kanye never told her that he'd call her that b/tch. And she agreed to a line, not the whole song.

Saying I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex is different than saying I made that b/tch famous. The former can be Kanye's fantasy or latent desire. But the latter is name calling and that's unacceptable. A man calling a woman b/tch is misogynistic behavior.

So I understand Swift's reaction. Kanye called her to tell her about the controversial lyrics, but he left the most offensive part out. Makes me wonder what the point of the phone call was. Was it all planned to create tumult for the Kardashian reality show?

@watsonjudy835 said:

Because you kept dredging up the topic as though that was the coup de grace to shut me up for good.

Yes, you're yapping about HiddleSwift since they hooked up. But you're wrong about the coup de grace. I actually wanted you to talk more.

I gave a comment that couples on their phones don't mean anything and you replied anyone with a modicum of common sense can see that it was all fake.

So I got curious. You seemed very sure. I really wanted to know what a gigantic star like Swift could possibly gain from a -show-mance with a moderately known actor.

But what followed was just a bunch of malarkey that was very hard to ignore. She might have feelings for him, she's obsessed with UK boys, she probably liked the idea of dating someone with a large fan base. And the cherry this time was that they're incontestably fake.

Million replies later and you still fail to understand that all you have are hearsay, gossip and assumptions and that those aren't enough for you to conclude that HiddleSwift was all fake or incontestably fake.

@watsonjudy835 said:

I know HC is following LE because someone was talking about it on a fan page on FB.

You obviously missed the part about the stupid logic on this board. You don't need an IG to find that out, just like you don't need to post on a board to know the posters or to see if it's in balance.

By the way, I'm sure you have IG. You like to stalk Cavill's IG and his exes' IG's too much to not have one. But I don't expect you to admit it. So don't bother deny it either.

@watsonjudy835 said:

BTW, I google my name it doesn't show that I'm HC's hater in disguise. Sorry girl, if you think I'm a hater I'm afraid I need more proof (i.e a link that backs up your judgement)

Google doesn't have celebrity haters on file yet. But just look in your latest post (e.g., Hadid link) and your other posts on this board and you'll find the proof.

@Phoebe21 said:

Haven't seen this 7min one.


That mustache really needs to go. It makes him look old and tired.

@watsonjudy835 said:

@Phoebe21 said:

Haven't seen this 7min one.


That mustache really needs to go. It makes him look old and tired.

Does he have more MI scenes to shoot? Is this why he is keeping it still? Or is it because he is participating for ‘Movember’ (ie that charity event thing where men grow beards/moustaches to raise funds for men’s health?

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