Συζήτηση για Dick Van Dyke

Before he passes away !

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Except this time the car is a Tesla and Dick is an Uber driver 🚗

I enjoyed Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (great title, btw!) when I was a kid.

Not a remake just a return of. Like the new Mary Poppins. I used to have a toy car of the one in the movie.

Ah, the good old days..... relaxed I don't think I ever had a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang-looking toy car, though definitely had various Matchbox and Hot Wheels other toy cars. race_car

I remember it being kind of odd, a story within a story then the two stories kind if get mixed together, then at the end everyone flys off in the car, all the songs..a big mix of stuff that wouldn't pardon the pun fly today not to mention the child catcher just thinking about it seems so wild. Any kind of revisiting might be awful. I could see Tim Burton understanding how to do it well.

I bet I haven't watched CCBB anytime since the '70s. Growing up, it now and then aired on The Wonderful World of Disney weekly broadcast, which is where I saw it however many times.

I no longer am able to recall anything about the movie, other than the magical car and that there were songs.

It was based on a book by Ian Flemming who wrote it in between his James Bond books. Roald Dahl was one of the screenwriters. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was the name of an actual type of early sports racing car. The movie is long about 2 hours. You should give it another look sometime again.

Oh! Always thought that it's S Ann Howes co-starring with D VanDyke in CC Bang Bang as T Scrumptious.

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