Über Peter Berg diskutieren

Item: Peter Berg

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: The credit for Chicago Hope without a character name can't be removed as there is no episode attached to it. Removing all credits with character name and re-adding them without one resulted in an incorrect episode count by one.

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Okay, this is weird. There is currently no blank credit on the TV page. Travis will have to look into this one.

The wrong credit is gone ... wave_tone4

The wrong credit is gone ... wave_tone4


@banana_girl wrote:


I used the same "isolation trick" that I use for those similar "(0 Episodes)" ghost credits -> internal link. The trick worked perfectly for ca. 50 out of 72 credits. And the rest of the credits was copy & paste ...

I assume this was also a ghost credit, but this time with a number 1 left. Maybe there was a second entry for "Chicago Hope" that included Peter Berg with a credit for 1 episode -> and when it was removed, the credit didn't vanish. I don't know - it's weird ... ghost

I used the same "isolation trick" that I use for those similar "(0 Episodes)" ghost credits

Oh, I completely forgot you did that! Thanks!

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