Moses Bwayo

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Known For Directing

Known Credits 10

Gender Male

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Also Known As

  • Мозес Бвайо

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Moses Bwayo is an Ugandian and American documentary filmmaker.

Born and raised in Uganda, he was introduced to filmmaking by peeking through cracks in the walls of local bootleg movie theaters. Wrapped in the camerawork and storytelling of Hollywood’s martial arts films, Moses immediately fell in love with cinema. He graduated from Kampala University with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and mass communication, earned a postgraduate diploma at Kampala Film School, and started working as a production sound recordist and cinematographer, shooting for ABC, BBC, and VICE News in Uganda. In 2017, he began work on Bobi Wine: The People’s President. Spending five harrowing years following Bobi Wine, a pop star turned politician who ran for president, opposing the 35-year Yoweri Museveni dictatorship. Moses was arrested, imprisoned, and shot in the face at close range while filming. Bobi Wine: The People’s President premiered at the Venice Film Festival in September 2022.

Moses Bwayo is an Ugandian and American documentary filmmaker.

Born and raised in Uganda, he was introduced to filmmaking by peeking through cracks in the walls of local bootleg movie theaters. Wrapped in the camerawork and storytelling of Hollywood’s martial arts films, Moses immediately fell in love with cinema. He graduated from Kampala University with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and mass communication, earned a postgraduate diploma at Kampala Film School, and started working as a production sound recordist and cinematographer, shooting for ABC, BBC, and VICE News in Uganda. In 2017, he began work on Bobi Wine: The People’s President. Spending five harrowing years following Bobi Wine, a pop star turned politician who ran for president, opposing the 35-year Yoweri Museveni dictatorship. Moses was arrested, imprisoned, and shot in the face at close range while filming. Bobi Wine: The People’s President premiered at the Venice Film Festival in September 2022.









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