John Morton

Personal Info

Known For Acting

Known Credits 7

Gender Male

Birthday March 26, 1947 (77 years old)

Place of Birth Annapolis, Maryland, USA

Also Known As

  • John Fass Morton

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John Morton is an American movie actor and stuntman from Annapolis, Maryland. John appeared in the 1980 hit sequel film Superman II as an astronaut named Nate, also that year he appeared in Flash Gordon. After appearing in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back as Dak Ralter, and as the body double for Boba Fett, he left Hollywood and eventually settled in public relations work back in Annapolis. He is also an accomplished musician and guitar player.

John Morton is an American movie actor and stuntman from Annapolis, Maryland. John appeared in the 1980 hit sequel film Superman II as an astronaut named Nate, also that year he appeared in Flash Gordon. After appearing in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back as Dak Ralter, and as the body double for Boba Fett, he left Hollywood and eventually settled in public relations work back in Annapolis. He is also an accomplished musician and guitar player.





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