Connie Palmen

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참여 작품 수 7

성별 여성

생일 11월 25, 1955 (68 years old)

출생지 Sint Odiliënberg, Limburg, The Netherlands

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Aldegonda Petronella Huberta Maria "Connie" Palmen (born 25 November 1955) is a Dutch author.

Palmen made her debut with the novel De wetten (1990), published in the United States as The Laws (1993). The Laws was shortlisted for the 1996 International Dublin Literary Award. Her second novel was De vriendschap (1995), published in the United States as The Friendship (2000).

Palmen had a relationship with Dutch journalist Ischa Meijer in the years preceding his death in 1995. About their relationship she wrote her autobiographical novel I.M. (1998).

Aldegonda Petronella Huberta Maria "Connie" Palmen (born 25 November 1955) is a Dutch author.

Palmen made her debut with the novel De wetten (1990), published in the United States as The Laws (1993). The Laws was shortlisted for the 1996 International Dublin Literary Award. Her second novel was De vriendschap (1995), published in the United States as The Friendship (2000).

Palmen had a relationship with Dutch journalist Ischa Meijer in the years preceding his death in 1995. About their relationship she wrote her autobiographical novel I.M. (1998).







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