Item: Joey Simmrin
Language: en-US
Type of Problem: Bad_image
Extra Details: This picture is not me.
I removed the incorrect image, but do you have a replacement that doesn't have a white line on the bottom?
Please it’s the first picture that comes up when people google me. It’s still on google search.
Let me try to get rid of it. If not can you please switch it?
Fixed. Thanks for uploading a new one.
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Antwort von Rebecca
am 16. Dezember 2019 um 11:02
I removed the incorrect image, but do you have a replacement that doesn't have a white line on the bottom?
Antwort von joeysimmrin
am 16. Dezember 2019 um 11:07
Please it’s the first picture that comes up when people google me. It’s still on google search.
Let me try to get rid of it. If not can you please switch it?
Antwort von Rebecca
am 22. Dezember 2019 um 19:33
Fixed. Thanks for uploading a new one.