Tom Hammock

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Known For Art

Known Credits 19

Gender Male

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Also Known As

  • Thomas S. Hammock
  • Thomas Hammock

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Tom Hammock grew up in Northern California, where his father studies venoms, insects, and other odd creatures. As such, most family vacations were spent in the wilderness, often hunting for previously said creatures and their venoms. Hammock lived in a number of places around the world, including, but not limited to, Australia and England.Eventually these wanderings came to a halt for a time, making Hammock's mother quite happy, and he studied landscape architecture at UC Berkeley. This led to studying production design at the American Film Institute and a lot of subsequent work designing films. Among the films are You’re Next, The Guest, All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, Blair Witch, and The Devil’s Candy.

Presently Hammock lives in Hollywood, where he reviews/teaches design from time to time at the Directing Workshop for Women, AFI, and UCBerkeley and designs films when he's not writing graphic novels. An Aurora Grimeon Story: Will O' the Wisp, illustrated by Megan Hutchison, is Hammock's first graphic novel. He designed Blindspotting, opened Sundance 2018, the TV show Them for Amazon Studios, Godzilla vs. Kong for director Adam Wingard, and X and Pearl for Ti West/A24.

Information above via their homepage.

Tom Hammock grew up in Northern California, where his father studies venoms, insects, and other odd creatures. As such, most family vacations were spent in the wilderness, often hunting for previously said creatures and their venoms. Hammock lived in a number of places around the world, including, but not limited to, Australia and England.Eventually these wanderings came to a halt for a time, making Hammock's mother quite happy, and he studied landscape architecture at UC Berkeley. This led to studying production design at the American Film Institute and a lot of subsequent work designing films. Among the films are You’re Next, The Guest, All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, Blair Witch, and The Devil’s Candy.

Presently Hammock lives in Hollywood, where he reviews/teaches design from time to time at the Directing Workshop for Women, AFI, and UCBerkeley and designs films when he's not writing graphic novels. An Aurora Grimeon Story: Will O' the Wisp, illustrated by Megan Hutchison, is Hammock's first graphic novel. He designed Blindspotting, opened Sundance 2018, the TV show Them for Amazon Studios, Godzilla vs. Kong for director Adam Wingard, and X and Pearl for Ti West/A24.

Information above via their homepage.









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