Über Justin Guarini diskutieren

Item: Justin Guarini

Language: en

Type of Problem: Duplicate

Extra Details: There is another page for Justin Guarini. https://www.themoviedb.org/person/1229931

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@EmperorCommodus , I am a newbie moderator.

For Moderators @Banana @Rebecca
I moved all the TV data, and the External Links.
Everything is in the oldest ID.

If I did everything right, let me know if I should delete the new one.

Edit1: There is a Justin Guarino.
The only difference is the last letter. O or I.
Without any production.
Maybe it's a mistake, too.

Edit2: I did not find it on IMDB. But I found Justin Guarino.
Photography Still. In LA.

It looks good @ticao2 !! ok_hand_tone4

I usually try to use reports as an opportunity to quickly lock lock confirmed data (name, gender, IMDb IDs, social media IDs, etc.), but it's definitely not an obligation.

edit: Oh and I personally think moving the freebase/tvrage IDs are a waste of our time since both websites are dead. zipper_mouth

edit2: I traced the profile https://www.themoviedb.org/person/1692477 back to the orignal edits(mod-only link). It was added to a deleted "Crazy White Boys" entry. It looks like whoever removed the entry forgot to delete the empty people profiles. I'm removing them now. smiley_cat

The IMDB ID just checked.
And also gender, date of birth, place and name.
Everything is OK.
I'll delete the new one in 10 minutes.

Your Edit2: This is a trap I did not know.
If you delete a movie, someone can become orphaned.

Yup! This is also true for TV networks, companies and keywords pages. It's a lot to remember, which is why we often forget them smile_cat

Anyway, thanks for the report @EmperorCommodus !

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