بحث Roger Moore

It has been announced that Sir Roger Moore has passed away at 89, after a short cancer battle. RIP.

The Guardian

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Yes, sad.

To many, he will always be James Bond.

But, for a fun romp, see him show his comedic range in Boat Trip!

Aww R.I.P. Sir Roger


I just watched LALD two days ago and it's just so terrible to hear this. I watched his Bond films all the time and none of them were ever unwatchable... he was the closest actor to the franchise and loved every second of joy he created for us fans.

He was an ambassador to Unicef too and it's this humanitarian side which made him truly amazing as a human being. Such a terrible loss..

@Russ007 said:

He was an ambassador to Unicef too and it's this humanitarian side which made him truly amazing as a human being. Such a terrible loss..

He always came across as a true gentleman, witty and self-deprecating, and he was always the first to admit that he was not an actor of great range or skill. His first few Bond films remain good fun to this day and he brought a charm and ease to the role which contrasted nicely with Connery's tougher take. I always thought that he seemed increasingly tired as he neared the end of his run and perhaps could have called it a day a few years earlier.

By all accounts a lovely man, and his many years of Unicef work are testament to this.

I find it amusing that he once openly admitted (if I recall correctly) that he couldn't run in a straight line and was terrified of guns.

R.I.P. The greatest Bond of them all.

Nobody did it better...

I really loved him as Bond. The 1970's were a fun era for the Bond films and Sir Roger brought a playful, winking turn to the series. My favorite film of his is still Live and Let Die, whose theme song I was just listening to over and over again in my Jeep just yesterday.

What mattered more to me, though, was that he also seemed to be a truly good soul who never let his fame eclipse his humanity. I have never admired a celebrity, but I do admire a human being who treats others with respect and kindness.


RIP the one and only Roger Moore.

Respect to him.

Great charm and personality to his movies.

RIP Sir Roger, an actor and a gentleman, you'll be truly missed.

Its a crap day to be British.

@The Midi-chlorian Count said:

R.I.P. The greatest Bond of them all.

Nobody did it better...

I agree.

He was also a very compassionate human being.



The saintliest of all Bonds.

RIP Sad Day

RIP Sir Roger George Moore

A great man on and off the screen.


Rest in Peace.

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