250 Serien

9. Februar 1979
27. Dezember 1999

Die Pfefferkörner is a German television series produced by Der Kinderkanal.

The peppercorns are five friends from Hamburg: Jana Holstein Coutre, Natasha "Tascha" Jaonzäns, Philip "Fiete" Overbeck, Cem Gülec and Vivien "Vivi" Overbeck, Fiete's eight year old sister. After school, the young detectives meet at a high level of a spice warehouse of the company Overbeck & Associates, which belongs to Fiete and Vivi's parents in the first part, but is later given to Fiete and Vivi to look after. Here, in the historic warehouse district, the five friends have their headquarters.

With smarts, combined delivery and support of the Internet, they find their cases here. The detectives convict polluters, animal dealers and drug smugglers. They also help each other with personal problems they encounter. Cem has lost his parents in a car accident and sometimes feels sad and lonely. Jana lives with her divorcee mother, a lawyer who is rarely at home. Natasha comes from Latvia. Her parents initially have very strict rules in terms of her education, that make Natasha unhappy. Fiete has problems showing his feelings and hides them behind grumpiness and hostility towards girls, until he falls in love with Natasha. Vivi is suffering from her role of the youngest member of the group. She believes that she must constantly struggle for recognition.

The Eurovision Song Contest is an international song competition, organised annually by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and featuring participants representing primarily European countries. Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live television and radio, transmitted to national broadcasters via the EBU's Eurovision and Euroradio networks, with competing countries then casting votes for the other countries' songs to determine the winner.

24. September 1988

Die Männer vom K3 is a German television series.

14. April 2002
16. Januar 2001
25. September 2009
26. Februar 2004

Extra 3 is a political satirical magazine from Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR).

18. April 2009
4. Juni 1961

Exploring Ballet School Controversies: Our team delves into allegations of bullying and body image issues surrounding two prestigious ballet institutions in the UK - The Royal Ballet in London and Elmhurst in Birmingham.

2. Januar 1991
12. Januar 2010
14. Juli 2014
12. Mai 1982
22. Dezember 2011

Heiko Schotte (Schotty) works for a cleaning company, cleaning all kind of crime scenes. There he sometimes meets weird people and tries to solve difficult situations.

9. Oktober 1995
9. September 2016

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