305 Serien

Das True-Crime-Format erzählt die wahren Geschichten von Menschen, die mit einem kaltblütigen Killer zusammen gewohnt haben oder mit ihm verschiedenen Aktivitäten nachgegangen sind, ohne von seinen grausamen Taten zu wissen…

Every second of every day, millions of Americans are caught on CCTV. Living in a surveillance society means everyday actions are caught on camera, mostly of honest citizens going about their daily lives. But a few are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Video doesn't discriminate; criminals also end up on film. See no Evil is a groundbreaking series that presents dramatic stories about how real crimes are solved with the aid of surveillance cameras. Police reveal how CCTV footage has unlocked the answer to cases that otherwise might have remained unsolved- leaving dangerous killers at large. The series features real footage and dramatic reconstruction, combined with first-hand testimony from police, witnesses, and families.

Award winning journalist Paula Zahn unravels shocking crimes interviewing those closest to the case including lawyers, the victim's family, detectives and the convicted murderer themselves.

14. April 2014

These are the terrifying tales of the unwanted neighbors who turn home sweet home into home sweet hell. A look inside the lives of horrific neighborly disputes and what happens when a simple issue turns into the worst night of a family's life. Do you really know who lives next door? This true-crime series tells the chilling tales of those with the misfortune to unwittingly take up residence within a stone’s throw of a psycho or killer.

The internet is no longer a place you log on and visit; it's where you live. The home of true crime is now online. The internet is the Wild West. And if you're not careful, you too could be caught in a Web of Lies.

A snap of a twig. A rustling leaf. In the woods, myth, urban legend, and horror collide with real-life killers. Transporting viewers into a vortex of dark mystery and psychological terror, each episode tells the true story of a crime set in a desolate location.

Discover the untold story of the toxic and abusive environment inside '90s kids' TV. Hear harrowing accounts from former child stars and crew who probe the balance of power in the industry and reveal an era that inflicted lasting wounds still felt today.

A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired detective, Lieutenant Joe Kenda. Through re-enactments, discussions with investigation teams, and interviews with victims' families and other involved persons, the show highlights Kenda's successes with his 400 homicide case history and 92 percent solution rate.

Pull back the curtain on bizarre double lives and see the real stories of men and women who thought they were happily married, until the day they uncovered a shocking secret about their spouse leading them to wonder who it is they really fell in love with.

4. Juni 2020

The key to solving the toughest homicides lies somewhere in the final hours of a victim's life. In each one-hour episode, determined investigators must piece together events during this critical window to reconstruct the timeline, unlock the motive, and ultimately close in on the killer.

24. Januar 2011

It may seem like it, but victims of stalking are not just celebrities and those in the public eye; the widely-misunderstood crime affects millions of people in the United States each year, people who are in perpetual fear for their lives; criminal psychologist Dr. Michelle Ward -- a stalking victim herself -- presents stories of the crimes and explores the twisted psychology of those who committed them; victims and their families also recount their personal experiences and provide firsthand insight into effective steps they took to protect themselves; Dr. Ward offers practical tips that viewers can use to keep themselves safe.

28. August 2019

Incorporating bodycam footage from the initial crime scene, surveillance video, and interrogation room recordings, homicide investigations unfold through dramatic real video footage providing an up-close perspective on homicide investigations.

23. Februar 2020

Forensic experts and investigators piece together strange clues and microscopic evidence to solve the most puzzling criminal cases... proving there is no such thing as a perfect crime.

7. November 2016

Uncover the heart-wrenching true stories behind crimes that transcended headlines and became part of popular culture. Exclusive first hand interviews reveal shocking twists, new evidence, and unexpected resolutions.

Doku-Reihe über albtraumhafte, reale Kriminalfälle.

Aphrodite Jones goes behind the scenes of famous murder cases to uncover hidden secrets and new information to shed new light on these sensational stories.

25. Oktober 2016

Rivaling fictional blockbusters like "Girl on a Train" and "Gone Girl," Investigation Discovery's "Married With Secrets" looks at when happily ever after goes horribly wrong. The series dramatizes the twisted psychological warfare of marriages, telling stories of seemingly perfect unions that turn nightmarish after husbands and wives embark on secret lives that take them down devastating paths. From secret sadomasochistic sex games to hit men for hire, there's no vow too sacred to break and no place too twisted to go for these spouses. And once skeletons come out of the closet, no one is safe.

Showcasing the most compelling crimes of yesteryear, when secrets festered, passions ran wild and cops had nothing but shoe-leather and gut instinct to catch a killer. Fashions may change but murder never goes out of style.

Leidenschaftliche Liebesbeziehungen können Menschen beflügeln, oder direkt ins Verderben stürzen. Denn wenn die Liebe zur Obsession wird, tun sich manchmal schockierende Abgründe auf. Halbe Kinder, die aus blinder Liebe brutale Morde begehen. Vermeintlich ehrbare Frauen, die ihre sexuelle Macht über andere gnadenlos ausnützen, teuflische Swinger-Partys, gefährliche Doppelleben und tödliche Dreiecksbeziehungen: Die Doku-Serie "Love Kills" zeigt anhand schier unglaublicher, realer Geschichten, die weltweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt haben, in welche Abgründe sexuelle Abhängigkeiten führen können. Denn ein Verbrechen aus Leidenschaft ist kein Kavaliersdelikt.

Nach ihren Taten versuchen Verbrecher, Spuren zu verwischen und sich auf ihrer Flucht nicht schnappen zu lassen. Diese Doku-Serie rekonstruiert Fälle, in denen die Täter fast der Justiz entkommen konnten.

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