17 laidų

Pagrindinis herojus – policijos komisaras Gereonas Ratas (aktorius Volkeris Bruchas, 37 m.), narpliojantis įvairius nusikaltimus Berlyne – nuo banalių žmogžudysčių iki prekybos narkotikais. Prabanga alsuojančioje Veimaro respublikoje (demokratinė Vokietijos valstybė, gyvavusi 1919–1933 m.) į valdžią pamažu ėmė brautis nusikaltėliai. Prostitucija, narkotikai ir žudynės tapo Berlyno kasdienybe. Miesto gatvės virto nacių ir komunistų susidūrimų arena. Vokietija išgyveno tradicinių vertybių nuosmukį, tačiau Pirmajame pasauliniame kare nugalėta valstybė jau pradėjo kaupti jėgas, kad dar kartą pabandytų parklupdyti pasaulį. Televizijos serialas sukurtas pagal vokiečių rašytojo ir žurnalisto Volkerio Kutscherio (54 m.) romaną „Šlapia žuvis“.

1997 kovo 10
2019 sausio 25

When a gruesomely staged body is found at the German-Austrian border, two detectives investigate. As the ritual-like murders continue, they enter the killer’s sinister world, set in the Alpine wilderness.

2024 kovo 15

Helgoland. Here, on Germany's only offshore island, a small community of survivors of an apocalypse that has overrun the rest of the world and plunged it into chaos is holed up. But the price of their survival is high. The resources on the rocky island are scarce, so that an inhumane "social ranking" system determines the lives of the 513 inhabitants: each islander is evaluated according to his usefulness. The only doctor is high on the list, others are far behind, and they have to fight for their place on the list and their survival. Meanwhile, people from the mainland are trying to get to Helgoland and the Helgolanders have to defend their island.

2018 lapkričio 23

Nepatyrusi povandeninio laivo įgula turi išgyventi slaptos misijos metu. Jauna vokietė plėšosi tarp ištikimybės savo tėvynei ir Prancūzų pasipriešinimui II-ojo pasaulinio karo dramoje.

2019 kovo 1

With a huge asteroid rushing towards Europe, there are only eight days left till impact. In the face of the apocalypse everything changes; laws and rules are abandoned. Who can save themself, what is really important now?

Two brothers and police officers, Ali and Leo, have not spoken to each other for decades after a big family row. But when they suddenly become involved in an international conspiracy, they have to work together again.

2021 gruodžio 3

Professional dartsplayer Eddie is in a crisis. Fame gone, money gone, wife gone and physical fitness also leaves much to be desired. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, who is also a rusty dart professional, but with a strong tendency towards alcohol, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career and to prove that he was not called "the wasp" for nothing. Easier said than done...

2022 rugsėjo 2

50 years after the Munich Massacre, Munich is hosting a soccer game between an Israeli and a German football club. When things start to fall apart, it seems history might be repeating all over again.

2022 vasario 21
2016 lapkričio 3

A German competitive reality television cooking show based on the British television cooking game show of the same title.

2020 lapkričio 24
2020 rugpjūčio 31

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