Über Johnny Mnemonic diskutieren

I don't usually rate or comment on movies I didn't watch all the way thru, but sometimes a movie is such a stinker something needs to be said.

This is terrible on every level. Script. Acting. Sets and costumes. SFX. Cinematography. And even sound.

A movie where EVERY actor can't act. That would be hard to achieve even if you tried to do it.

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A stinker indeed. I remember I considered leaving the theater when I saw it, but somehow I managed to suffer through it. Pure garbage.

I suffered through this stink bomb in the theater too, I agree it's horrendous!

Huh, I really didn't expect this much hate for the movie. Sure, the CGI was awful, but kind of charming at that. I did like the sets and costumes and the story, while typically 90s cheesy, had a nice pace and conclusion.

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