Eclipse (2021)

10/04/2022 (FR) Drama 9m
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A hike between father and son. Joël wants to experience a special day with his 15-year-old son Ethan and show him the upcoming solar eclipse at the same place where he once experienced it with his mother. Since the divorce, they rarely see each other and Ethan is also happy to finally have the opportunity to tell his father about his plans for the future. But with every step they take towards the summit and the eclipse, the mood between them darkens. They find that their attempts to communicate amount to nothing, until their simmering argument finally culminates in a cathartic moment.

  1. Pierre Lazarus


  2. Emmanuelle Moreau


  3. Noémie Parreaux


Attori In Primo Piano

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Nessun video, sfondo o poster sono stati aggiunti a Eclipse.

Titolo originale 1 km à pied

Stato Rilasciato

Lingua Originale Francese

Budget -

Incasso -

Parole Chiave

Non sono state aggiunte parole chiave.

Valutazione Contenuto 


Siamo così vicini, eppure così lontani.

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