Yesterday Girl (1967)

09/21/1967 (US) Drama 1h 28m
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A young German woman searches for happiness, liberation, and independence in the illusive wake of a transformative national recovery.

  1. Alexander Kluge

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Alexandra Kluge

    Alexandra Kluge

    Anita G.

  2. Günter Mack

    Günter Mack


  3. Hans Korte

    Hans Korte


  4. Werner Kreindl

    Werner Kreindl

    Chef der Plattenfirma

  5. Eva Maria Meineke

    Eva Maria Meineke

    Frau Pichota

  6. Edith Kuntze-Pellogio


  7. Palma Falck

    Frau Budeck

  8. Ado Riegler


  9. Josef Kreindl

    Chef der Plattenfirma

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Yesterday Girl
Yesterday Girl

Original Title Abschied von gestern

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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