White Man with Black Bread (2007)

01/13/2007 (DE) Documentary 1h 16m
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Christof Wackernagel, best known in Germany as an actor and former member of the Red Army Faction ("RAF") lives in Mali. In his compelling portrait, Jonas Grosch shows a man who simply cannot stand still if he senses injustice. The courage to stand up for one’s beliefs coupled with vanity? However one chooses to look at it, it is easy to imagine what made him connect with the "RAF". With his irrepressible will for freedom, Christof Wackernagel gets entangled in the horrors of day-to-day life in Africa.

  1. Jonas Grosch

    Director, Screenplay

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Original Title Der Weiße mit dem Schwarzbrot

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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