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NYAD (2023)

PG-13 10/20/2023 (US) DramaHistory 2h 1m
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Witness the incredible true story.


Athlete Diana Nyad sets out at 60 to achieve a nearly impossible lifelong dream: to swim from Cuba to Florida across more than 100 miles of open ocean.

  1. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi


  2. Jimmy Chin


  3. Julia Cox


Top Billed Cast

  1. Annette Bening

    Annette Bening

    Diana Nyad

  2. Jodie Foster

    Jodie Foster

    Bonnie Stoll

  3. Rhys Ifans

    Rhys Ifans

    John Bartlett

  4. Ethan Jones Romero


  5. Luke Cosgrove

    Luke Cosgrove

    Luke Tipple

  6. Jeena Yi

    Jeena Yi

    Angel Yanigahara

  7. Eric T. Miller

    Eric T. Miller

    Coach Jack Nelson

  8. Anne Marie Kempf


  9. Carolyn McCormick

    Carolyn McCormick


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


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