Über Legally Blonde diskutieren

This is a fun teen comedy, overdramatic, hysterical and so pink. Elle is a pretty blonde, but not dumb at all. When she is in the boutique picking out the perfect outfit for her special date, she shows for the first time how smart she really is. She knows all about fashion and the saleswoman didn't fool her for a bit. She is strong-willed and knows what she wants. After being dumped. she decides to go study law to win back her ex-boyfriend. What happens next is not what you'd expect: forget the stereotype of a dumb blonde. wink

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Shockingly when they said she got into Harvard Law, she says yeah like it's hard? She was smart and had knowledge that no one ever took the time to see. She needed this journey to find herself

@Strannger18 said: yeah like it's hard?

Yeah loved that quote relaxed

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