The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well (1996)

18 05/04/1996 (KR) Drama 1h 57m
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The lives of 4 interconnected South Koreans - a married couple, a novelist the wife is having an affair with, and a second woman the novelist is simultaneously involved with.

  1. Hong Sang-soo

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Suh Shin-hye


Top Billed Cast

  1. Kim Eui-sung

    Kim Eui-sung


  2. Lee Eung-kyung

    Lee Eung-kyung


  3. Park Jin-sung

    Park Jin-sung


  4. Song Kang-ho

    Song Kang-ho


  5. Cho Eun-sook

    Cho Eun-sook


  6. Bang Eun-hee

    Bang Eun-hee

    In-chang's Wife

  7. Son Min-seok

    Son Min-seok


  8. Jeon Hae-ryong


  9. Bae Joong-sik

    Korean Restaurant Manager

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well
The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well

Original Title 돼지가 우물에 빠진 날

Status Released

Original Language Korean

Budget -

Revenue -


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