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The Other Side of the Mountain (1975)

11/14/1975 (US) RomanceDrama 1h 43m
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The true story of Jill Kinmont. The American Olympic ski contender whose tragic fall took everything but her life. And who found the courage to live through the love of one very special man.


One year before the Olympics, Jill Kinmont, an 18-year-old skiing champion, suffers a fall during competition and is left paralyzed. With her life now completely altered, she undergoes an exhausting fight to regain some of what she has lost.

  1. Larry Peerce


  2. David Seltzer


Top Billed Cast

  1. Marilyn Hassett

    Marilyn Hassett

    Jill Kinmont

  2. Beau Bridges

    Beau Bridges

    Dick Buek

  3. Belinda Montgomery

    Belinda Montgomery

    Audra Jo

  4. Nan Martin

    Nan Martin

    June Kinmont

  5. William Bryant

    William Bryant

    Bill Kinmont

  6. Dabney Coleman

    Dabney Coleman

    Dave McCoy

  7. Bill Vint

    Bill Vint

    Buddy Werner

  8. Hampton Fancher

    Hampton Fancher

    Lee Zadroga

  9. William Roerick

    Dr. Pittman

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Other Side of the Mountain
The Other Side of the Mountain

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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