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The Stranger (2022)

NR 2022-10-19 (US) ThrillerCrimeDrama 1h 57m
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Two strangers strike up a conversation on a long journey. One is a suspect in an unsolved missing person’s case and the other an undercover operative on his trail. Their uneasy friendship becomes the core of this tightly wrought thriller, which is based on the true story of one of the largest investigations and undercover operations in Australia.

  1. Thomas M. Wright

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Joel Edgerton

    Joel Edgerton

    Mark Frame

  2. Sean Harris

    Sean Harris

    Henry Teague

  3. Jada Alberts

    Jada Alberts

    Detective Kate Rylett

  4. Fletcher Humphrys

    Fletcher Humphrys

    Detective Graham Ikin

  5. Mike Foenander

    Mike Foenander

    Heavy Man

  6. Steve Mouzakis

    Steve Mouzakis

    Paul Emery

  7. Simon Elrahi

    Simon Elrahi


  8. Alan Dukes

    Alan Dukes


  9. Ewen Leslie

    Ewen Leslie


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Stranger
The Stranger

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue $149,441.00


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