Diskutuoti apie Argylle

Matthew Vaughn's movies have always been hit and miss and "Argylle" is a big old miss. It's bland, dull and forgettable and the movie ends up being a bloated mess that somehow almost lasts two and a half hours. Personally I was hoping it would finally end already after the first hour. Usually Vaughn at least manages to shoot decent action scenes, but even those suck in this movie. There is no sense of urgency or anything when these super agents/spies just leisurely and casually take care of dozen of henchmen who are shooting them and trying to kill them and the super spies act like they are being shot at with nerf guns. The plot is asinine and the whole gimmick with Cavill and Rockwell switching places during action scenes just feels utterly pointless and they should've just shot the whole movie with either of them and probably saves millions in the process. Speaking of the cast whatever happened to hollywood stars getting in shape for movies? It's starting to seem like that was a thing of the past and they can't even be bothered to exercise or eat healthy for the millions they are being paid. Case in point Bryce Dallas Howard seems to be wearing lose fitting clothes throughout the movie to try and hide the fact that she is clearly obese. Reminds me of that new John Woo movie where the 'star' couldn't bother to train for a while to be able to do a single proper pull-up. Remember the days when people used to idolize these stars to high heaven? I'm starting to understand why that is starting to be a thing of the past.

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Kinda agree about the action scenes. Vaughan normally shoots action scenes that are almost comic book like, where you can see what's going on, but most such scenes here were Bourne-style close-to-the-action ones. At least "smoke" and "skate" scenes saw a reversion to his previous form.

Don't agree about the "switching" as it makes sense once we learn what's going on and why her mind isn't working normally.

As for "getting in shape", I think it's great that we're finally seeing stars that aren't in desperate need of eating something. People come in all shapes and sizes; it's about time we saw more of that on screen. BDH was hardly trying to hide her size: She wore jeans for most of the film, followed by that gold dress. Anyway, I think she looks fine and Elly Conway is the sort of lady that, if I were single and closer to her age, I'd be happy to settle down in some warm place in France with. And a cat or two.

Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


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