The Comic (1969)

PG 11/19/1969 (US) ComedyDrama 1h 35m
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A funny new motion picture that tells Hollywood like it was!


An account of the rise and fall of a silent film comic, Billy Bright. The movie begins with his funeral, as he speaks from beyond the grave in a bitter tone about his fate, and takes us through his fame, as he ruins it with womanizing and drink, and his fall, as a lonely, bitter old man unable to reconcile his life's disappointments. The movie is based loosely on the life of Buster Keaton.

  1. Carl Reiner

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Dick Van Dyke

    Dick Van Dyke

    Billy Bright

  2. Michele Lee

    Michele Lee

    Mary Gibson

  3. Mickey Rooney

    Mickey Rooney


  4. Cornel Wilde

    Cornel Wilde

    Frank Powers

  5. Nina Wayne

    Nina Wayne

    Sybil Atlas

  6. Pert Kelton

    Pert Kelton

    Mama Bell

  7. Steve Allen

    Steve Allen

    Steve Allen

  8. Barbara Heller

    Barbara Heller


  9. Ed Peck

    Ed Peck

    Edwin G. Englehardt

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Comic
The Comic

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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