Über Mein Nachbar Totoro diskutieren

When I watch Studio Ghibli films I usually listen with the original Japanese voice actors. The voice actor for the little sister in this film does such a good job. She's really lively. The American voice dub is Dakota Fanning's sister Elle, I watched a little bit with her voice and it wasn't nearly as good.

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It doesn't make so much difference to me with animated films, but with live action films, I can't stand dubs. What happens is that you only get half a performance from each of two different actors: the one you see and the one you hear. But with animation, it was meant to be a voice actor, so to dub it in another language is not really taking anyway - except that something might get lost in the translation, but then, that can happen with subtitles too.

I prefer to watch every movie in its original language version, although as @jann said above, in case of the animated ones it perhaps should matter the least.

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