Über Ralph reichts diskutieren

Ralph lived in the woods peacefully. Then some big corporation comes and demolishes the trees to create an apartment complex. Does Ralph get compensated? No, his stump gets moved and he lives in the dump.

Ralph has every reason to be upset and want to wreck the building.

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Look at the lyrics to the song "Wreck it, Wreck-It Ralph":

Wreck-It Ralph is a giant of a man Nine feet tall with really big hands Living in a stump on his very own land Until his world went crazy

He was minding his own business on the day they came They showed a piece of paper saying “Eminent domain” They built an apartment building saying progress was to blame So he got mad And he turned bad Brick by brick, he’s gonna take his land back!

A lot of people have observed the basic gameplay and characters are inspired by Donkey Kong, but a lot of people don't realize Ralph's backstory (him having a legitimate problem) is also inspired by DK. For those unaware, Donkey Kong was Mario's pet, who Mario abused, so DK snapped one day and kidnapped Mario's girlfriend in retaliation for the abuse he'd suffered.

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