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100% Halal (2020)

13+ 12/01/2020 (ID) Drama 1h 40m
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After high school, a young woman marries the man of her father's choice but soon faces the possibility that her religion considers the union invalid.

  1. Jastis Arimba

    Director, Story, Writer

  2. Ali Eunoia


Top Billed Cast

  1. Anisa Rahma

    Anisa Rahma

    Anisa Santosa

  2. Ariyo Wahab

    Ariyo Wahab

    Ilham Santosa

  3. Fitria Rasyidi

    Fitria Rasyidi


  4. Arafah Rianti

    Arafah Rianti


  5. Kinaryosih


    Rinda Kumala Sari

  6. Niniek L. Karim

    Niniek L. Karim

    Nenek Yos

  7. Ray Sahetapy

    Ray Sahetapy

    Kakek Yos

  8. Iang Darmawan

    Iang Darmawan

    Petugas KUA

  9. Dayu Wijanto

    Dayu Wijanto

    Dr. Salma

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

100% Halal
100% Halal

Status Released

Original Language Indonesian

Budget -

Revenue -


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