Keskustele nimikkeestä Gone with the Wind

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I've quickly scanned down this list:

I'm not familiar with most of the stuff on it, but demand the following are also removed:

  • Ghosts. Main couple promote heteronormalacy and all characters are cisgendered. Gets a slight pass as half the main couple is black.
  • Raised by Wolves. Concepts like "father" and "mother" enforce gender stereotypes.
  • Circe. Cisgender main character who only has heterosexual romances.
  • Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. Look at the title! Enforces gender stereotypes.
  • Station Eleven. Black lives matter. But there aren't any in the main cast list on Wiki. 2 browns do not make a black.
  • Last of the Mohicans. No cast announced, but see Station Eleven.
  • Untitled Friends reunion special. Could they be any more white? Will need to pair this with notes explaining the show's outdated lack of PoC, homo- and trans-phobic jokes.
  • Original stand-up comedy specials. Only one is black. Remember, brown lives don't count.

It hasn't been banned! It is being 'reframed'. There will be commentary added to the film when it appears on HBO MAX. You can still view it at other places without the added stuff.

@bratface said:

It hasn't been banned! It is being 'reframed'. There will be commentary added to the film when it appears on HBO MAX. You can still view it at other places without the added stuff.

The only people interested in watching a near 3 hour 80 year old movie don't need or want to be lectured at.

Unless they make it an unskippable documentary before GwtW, I reckon they'll go with pop-ups pointing out that slavery is bad. Just in case any viewers who weren't already rabid racists start thinking, "You know, that slavery thing seems like it could work well."

I think Warner Bros. will do similar to how they've done in recent years with vintage 1930s and '40s cartoons (ones that include old stereotypes of blacks, Asians, and/or Jews) that are frequently included as bonus features on classic films DVDs, that a brief intro card or two will state that the movie is a product of its time, and that the film is being presented in its entirety, as it was originally intended, rather than being hidden away or altered, with the hopes that it will inspire present-day enlightened discussion, etc. I have numerous '30s and '40s feature films that one or two of the included bonus cartoons on this or that DVD are foreworded with such a disclaimer. It's Warners' way of portraying itself as "above it all" (while not missing a beat continuing to capitalize on the old catalog).

No doubt GwtW will be presented exactly the same as it's always been, content wise.

@genplant29 said:

I think Warner Bros. will do similar to how they've done in recent years with vintage 1930s and '40s cartoons (ones that include old stereotypes of blacks, Asians, and/or Jews) that are frequently included as bonus features on classic films DVDs, that a brief intro card or two will state that the movie is a product of its time, and that the film is being presented in its entirety, as it was originally intended, rather than being hidden away or altered, with the hopes that it will inspire present-day enlightened discussion, etc. I have numerous '30s and '40s feature films that one or two of the included bonus cartoons on this or that DVD are foreworded with such a disclaimer. It's Warners' way of portraying itself as "above it all" (while not missing a beat continuing to capitalize on the old catalog).

No doubt GwtW will be presented exactly the same as it's always been, content wise.

Depends if/when the current mob calms down. Different trigger, but look at the way the hounds are baying for JK Rowling's blood - and she's consistently stood up for all sorts of minorities. I'm not sure that a brief card will cut it.

It'll be interesting to see if various local public libraries wind up feeling pressured to pull their lending DVD(s) of a classic such as this movie. Some probably will, though I doubt most will.

@genplant29 said:

It'll be interesting to see if various local public libraries wind up feeling pressured to pull their lending DVD(s) of a classic such as this movie. Some probably will, though I doubt most will.

Good point! What about the book, too? Anyone read it? My suspicion is that it's likely to be a good deal more potentially offensive than the film.

The 'reframing' will attempt to put the film's offensive sections in context of the times.

@Invidia said:

FOUND an article that CONFIRMS this is PRECISELY what they plan to do GEN.

when the film returns to HBO Max, it “will return with a discussion of its historical context and a denouncement of those very depictions,” and will be presented “as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed.”

“If we are to create a more just, equitable and inclusive future, we must first acknowledge and understand our history,” the spokesperson said.

I don't think that 100% excludes on-screen info, especially given the way companies are falling over themselves to seem to care about BLM.

Whilst I totally agree that there are some very bad apples in the police in America, I see there are calls for the police to be defunded, in some cases to the extent that there isn't a police force. The money will be split amongst community organisations who will use hugs to ensure that no crime happens. (May be a slight exaggeration). Have these people not seen The Purge? Anyway, if people are seriously discussing that sort of idea, I can't see that a pre-film sop will suffice.

Because of how things have been going, I could picture Warners (which may be running a bit scared due to the volatility of the current social climate) creating some type optional "bubbles" or the such, that if selecting such an option before starting the movie there may either be printed explanatory words that appear during certain racially sensitive parts of the movie, or maybe it would be the option of a voice-over narration. If Warners would go with either type option, people who just want to watch the movie "as is" without having the movie currated could do so. That (add-on notes or special voice-over narration) would probably be a good way to go, for if parents or whomever, who might have some extent of discomfort with the film, or who might want to play it using it as opportunity for a "teachable moment", might want to watch the movie with their kids or grandkids, etc.

The campaign to erase white history continues. Amazing that 13% of the population can literally erase our American heritage just because.

I feel torn about Civil War era statuary, as it's easy to understand the passionate feelings and valid arguments on both sides of the equation. Statues may not always represent perfect history, but they do represent actual social, cultural, and artistic history. Meanwhile, the depicted individuals were viewed, in their own era (and location), and for many years that followed, as pillars of the community and as fine, noble, outstanding citizens. It's all complicated, as today not everyone views those individuals in the same way. Yet, the depicted individuals were people who many continue to feel a lot of pride and admiration for (and not because those depicted past people were slave owners, but because of whatever it was, that's considered admirable or/and impressive, that the person achieved/accomplished).

In breaking news country music supergroup Lady Antebellum has changed their name to Lady A. So people would not think they were glorifying the Antebellum South. Also Bjorks record label One Little Indian has changed its name to One Little Independent after being told to do so by someone from the internet. If this happened last year we would not care. Now we must congratulate them. Hooray!

@Invidia said:

Confronting an ISSUE isn't really the same as ERASING IT.

Oh, trust me. They fully intend to erase EVERYTHING to do with Euro-American heritage good OR bad not to mention black-washing everything they can.

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