Banksters (2020)

10/16/2020 (PL) DramaCrime 1h 46m
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Karolina (Katarzyna Zawadzka) works in a bank, she is energetic, self-confident, go-getting. When the latest currency product comes into her hands - a loan in Swiss francs, the woman gets a great chance to prove herself. Having the full consent of his boss - Adam (Tomasz Karolak), he unscrupulously starts persuading clients to take the most risky and unfavorable investments. Jan (Jan Frycz) is the gray eminence of the Polish financiers. In his phone, he has contacts to the presidents of the largest banks in Poland. His cynical ideas and decisions affect the economy and the fate of hundreds of thousands of people overnight. Such as Artur (Rafał Zawierucha) - an ambitious head of an IT company who decides to use currency options to develop his business. His partner is Mateusz (Antoni Królikowski), who dreams of independence, his own place and the longed-for move away from his in-laws.

  1. Marcin Ziębiński


  2. Adam Guz


  3. Piotr Starzak


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