Über Das Geheimnis der Feenflügel diskutieren

Item: Clochette et le secret des fées

Language: fr

Type of Problem: Design_issue

Extra Details: in general, should not keywords be grouped by language? (or at least, translated) here for example, all the keywords are English words and do not serve a search in French ... It seems to me that there should be a list of keywords with their translation, for example, as here: "winter" - which if it exists should be proposed in translation when one is positioned on another language

example: new keyword: as usual (addition)

but for those existing, for example, here, winter is indicated in English,

page in french winter - voulez-vous traduire ce mot-clé ? - hiver

page in Spanish winter - ¿Quieres translate esta palabra clave? - invierno

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I think it will be a pain to translate keywords imo. The crew jobs are already messy to be honest. Some just don’t work well to be translated. If theyre gonna be translateable i would definitely suggest to keep localeapp out of it.

But. You’re better of not posting this in content issues. As its for automatically generated reports. I moved it to website support.

So if we do not translate, let at least the keywords of each language in their respective pages: it is absurd to see a list of keywords in several languages because this information is shared!

We only allow English keywords right now. If we come across foreign language words we do try to merge them with existing English ones, or if they can't be mapped to an existing English one, delete them if it's just one or two movies..

@alltimemarr is right, technically speaking, we only support English keywords. This is outlined in the contribution bible.

At some point in the future we may support translated keywords but I have no immediate plans for this nor have I ever given it any thought as to how it would work.

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