Über Shaun of the Dead diskutieren

You and Greg scavenge around and you armor up with a nice metal trash can as a body armor, the lid as a shield and you trade in your 2x4 for a metal pipe. Now you’re ready to go. You and your new friend Greg begin to head to a local watering hole right at the edge of town. You get to the end of the road and it came to a T. You and Greg look right towards the bar and see a horde of zombies heading towards you. You look left to the outskirts of the town and see a clear path. You look at Greg and he just shrugs.

You both run right towards the zombie horde, swinging your steel pipes like broad swords in a Viking battle, screaming your war cries at the top of your lungs. Heads explode with every impact of the metal rods and blood splatters all over the ground. Dented zombie heads falling down on top of each other, creating piles of corpses. You both clear a path towards the bar until you get to the entrance and smash in the window to unlock the door.

Once you both were in, Greg shuts the door and locks it. The remaining zombies bang on the door as you head over to the bar and grab a mug, pull the tap, and nothing. Greg says, “no problem, bro. I got this.” And he grabs the mugs from you, heads into the keg room and returns with two frothy mugs of luke warm IPA. You both cheers and have a pint while you wait for this whole thing to blow over.


Start from the Beginning HERE: Choose Your Adventure - The Walking Dead (version)

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I'm Greg and I would never bring someone an IPA! I actually like my friends! I would bring them luke warm coffee stouts instead!!!

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