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Déjà vu (1990)

07/01/1990 (SU) ComedyCrime 1h 48m
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The Prohibition years. Chicago bootleggers suffer losses due to their betrayal by one Mick Nich - Mikita Nichiporuk. The mob decides to execute the traitor, who escaped to Odesa, USSR, and organized his own bootleg business there. The hitman, Pollack, arrives in Odesa, and realizes how hard it is to make the hit here, as compared to a civilized country like USA.

  1. Juliusz Machulski

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Aleksandr Borodyanskiy


Top Billed Cast

  1. Jerzy Stuhr

    Jerzy Stuhr

    Джонни Поллак, киллер "Профессор"

  2. Galina Petrova

    Galina Petrova

    Аглая Ивановна Глушко, представительница Русфлота

  3. Nikolai Karachentsov

    Nikolai Karachentsov

    "Японец", подручный Ничипорука

  4. Wojciech Wysocki

    Wojciech Wysocki

    Франко де Ниро, гангстер

  5. Vladimir Golovin

    Vladimir Golovin

    Микита Ничипорук, он же гангстер Мик Нич

  6. Viktor Stepanov

    Viktor Stepanov

    Петро Мусиевич Кривонощенко

  7. Oleg Shklovsky

    Oleg Shklovsky

    Жорж Переплётчиков

  8. Liza Machulska

    Liza Machulska

    Афродита Переплётчикова

  9. Jan Machulski

    Jan Machulski

    Дон Чимино, крёстный отец мафии

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Déjà vu
Déjà vu

Original Title Deja vu

Status Released

Original Language Polish

Budget -

Revenue -


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