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The Kiosk (2021)

U 10/06/2021 (FR) Documentary 1h 17m
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In her debut feature, Alexandra Pianelli captures the unique world in and around her family’s Paris newsstand, presenting a film diary that lovingly documents her time working there. Sequestered behind the cramped counter, Pianelli films the world as it passes before her with a boundless sense of curiosity and compassion. iPhone or GoPro strategically set up before her, she records idiosyncratic interactions with charming regulars who drop by for their newspapers and a chat, or the lost passers-by simply looking for directions. Le Kiosque is a tender study of humanity, as well as a bittersweet sketch of physical media’s dying days as the newsstand’s future becomes increasingly unclear.

  1. Alexandra Pianelli

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Damien Fourmeau


  2. Marie-Laurence Fay

    Marchande de journaux

  3. Marcel Cierniak

    Chauffeur de la délégation allemande

  4. Gérard Jacq

    Bénévole à Notre-Dame-de-Paris

  5. Aliénor de Nervaux

    Danseuse étoile

  6. Christiane Rémoleur


  7. Islam Asraful

    Vendeur de fruits

Full Cast & Crew

The Kiosk
The Kiosk

Original Title Le Kiosque

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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