Über Shining diskutieren

For those who have seen Passengers (with Pratt and Lawrence) there is a scene where (Okay SPOILERS from now on, but I think you figured that one out) Chris Pratt walks aimlessly through the deserted ship and winds up in a big deserted stylish restaurant with a bar, complete with a bartender, Arthur. The bartender however, turns out to be a robot. it reminded me of Jack walking through the deserted hotel and ending up in the Gold Room where Loyd is serving drinks. Loyd who only exists in Jack's mind. Both Loyd and Arthur provide company for the main characters. Anyone else got this reference?

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I did. sunglasses

Having only just watched The Shining and saw Passengers when it first came out, I have to agree. The bar scene in The Shining instantly reminded me of the bar scene in Passengers, so yes, definitely a reference or homage to it. A grand bar in a big, empty place.

There's also parrellels between the two main characters when speaking to the barman.

Yup... homage

I was thinking why on earth a robot bartender was needed.

@april422 said:

I was thinking why on earth a robot bartender was needed.

No, THAT is something I can understand. He is fast and accurate, but what I don't understand is why is he activated?

It takes at least some 90 years before the first 'customers' awake.

Unless he is also activated by the astroid-incident which leads to the awakening of Chris.

@DoubleUK said:

For those who have seen Passengers (with Pratt and Lawrence) there is a scene where (Okay SPOILERS from now on, but I think you figured that one out) Chris Pratt walks aimlessly through the deserted ship and winds up in a big deserted stylish restaurant with a bar, complete with a bartender, Arthur. The bartender however, turns out to be a robot. it reminded me of Jack walking through the deserted hotel and ending up in the Gold Room where Loyd is serving drinks. Loyd who only exists in Jack's mind. Both Loyd and Arthur provide company for the main characters. Anyone else got this reference?

At the moment I was thinking that it was a joke. The scene is just too perfectly remade.

And it was not just that scene. The scene where the woman try to break the locked room with the axe is the same iconic scene. The movement of the camera along with the axe in the hands of Jack Nicholson is unforgetable. I imagine there are other scenes too. It was long ago last time I saw The Shining.

Said that, I don't think Loyd only existed at Jacks head. It was doubious all the movie, until the scene when Jack wakes up and something opens the door from outside. Also, the director said once that Jack lived at hotel on another life (it explains the photo at the end).

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