Another World (2022)

U 09/26/2022 (US) Drama 1h 36m
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An executive manager, his wife and his family, at the point when his professional choices are about to overturn all their lives. Philippe Lemesle and his wife are separating, their love irretrievably damaged by pressures of work. A successful executive in industrial conglomerate, Philippe no longer knows how to respond to the contradictory demands of his bosses. Yesterday they wanted a manager, today an enforcer. Now he must decide what his life really means.

  1. Stéphane Brizé

    Director, Writer

  2. Olivier Gorce


Top Billed Cast

  1. Vincent Lindon

    Vincent Lindon

    Philippe Lemesle

  2. Sandrine Kiberlain

    Sandrine Kiberlain

    Anne Lemesle

  3. Anthony Bajon

    Anthony Bajon

    Lucas Lemesle

  4. Marie Drucker

    Marie Drucker

    Claire Bonnet-Guérin

  5. Olivier Lemaire

    Olivier Lemaire

    Olivier Lefèvre

  6. Guillaume Draux

    Guillaume Draux

    Mr. Beaumont, HRD France

  7. Christophe Rossignon

    Christophe Rossignon

    Site Manager

  8. Sarah Laurent

    Sarah Laurent

    Trade union representative

  9. Joyce Bibring

    Joyce Bibring

    Juliette Lemesle

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Another World
Another World

Original Title Un autre monde

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget $4,900,000.00

Revenue -


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