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Jazzy Misfits (2020)

15 05/27/2020 (KR) ComedyFamilyDrama 1h 32m
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An aspiring singer Sun-deok is visited by her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. The abrupt encounter leads to the news of her younger sister Yuri, who had vanished with their savings. The mother-daughter team is now hunting for the missing girl and their money, poking around in Itaewon, the international hub of Seoul. Little do they know that soon they will be faced with Yuri’s unlikely secrets.

  1. Nam Yeon-woo


  2. Kang Hyun-joo


Top Billed Cast

  1. Cho Min-soo

    Cho Min-soo


  2. Kim Eun-young

    Kim Eun-young


  3. Lee Soo-kwang

    Lee Soo-kwang


  4. Choi Ji-su

    Choi Ji-su


  5. Park Se-jun

    Park Se-jun

    Police Kim

  6. Terris Brown

    Terris Brown


  7. Ahn Sung-min

    Youngest constable

  8. Ahn Ah-joo

    Sa Rang

  9. Oh Woo-ri

    Oh Woo-ri


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Jazzy Misfits
Jazzy Misfits

Original Title 초미의 관심사

Status Released

Original Language Korean

Budget -

Revenue -


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