Über Grease diskutieren

Why was Vince pushing Marty infront of the camera and being overly creepy infront of everyone? He was obviously a douche and wanted to get with her but what does he mean by 'does everyone know Marty?

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Agree. Maybe he thinks he's doing her a favor, by implying they're together on national TV ... to better his chances in getting with her?

I just saw the re-release of Grease yesterday in theaters (Flashback Cinema series). I noticed a lot of things you don't see, except on the big screen. Dinah Manoff (Marty) is wearing a knee brace, at the very end of the Hand Jive scene. Only on screen for a split second, but noticeable. Also, I thought Marty looked remarkably a lot like Sherry Jackson, Edd Byrnes' love interest in a few episodes of 77 Sunset Strip, from the 1950's.

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