Spring Breeze (2003)

15 09/05/2003 (KR) Comedy 1h 53m
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She breezed into my house!!


The cheapest and the stingiest! A man, who has never spent a dime on a date... A man, who prefers to double up on layers of thermals in the winter, instead of turning on the heater... A man, who insists on using his beeper in this 21st Century, a.k.a. The Age of Mobile Phones, to save his phone bill... He is the cheapest man alive! He's the infamous stingy writer, Seon-guk! As he wrestles with his unfinished (and very delayed) manuscript, an unexpected woman moves into his house. "I'm a respected man! I cannot live with a vulgar woman like her!"

  1. Jang Hang-jun

    Director, Writer

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Spring Breeze
Spring Breeze

Original Title 불어라 봄바람

Status Released

Original Language Korean

Budget -

Revenue -


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