Über Full Metal Jacket diskutieren

... a child was picking them off. This is what I felt was the punchline of the film. They spend almost the entire film telling you what ruthless killing machines they are and yet, at the end, it is revealed that a child was decimating them. Awesome, awesome, awesome film and I feel it is probably my favorite Kubrick film with A Clockwork Orange being a close second.

Full Metal Jacket (1987) - 9 outta 10 stars

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A Clockwork Orange actually is my favorite film. I remember not waning the film to end. FMJ is pretty damn great too, in its own right though.


@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

... a child was picking them off. This is what I felt was the punchline of the film. They spend almost the entire film telling you what ruthless killing machines they are and yet, at the end, it is revealed that a child was decimating them. Awesome, awesome, awesome film and I feel it is probably my favorite Kubrick film with A Clockwork Orange being a close second.

Full Metal Jacket (1987) - 9 outta 10 stars

To my recollection, they were never revealed to be ridiculously oversupowered(or even superpowered)berserkers in the mold of Wolverine prior to the scene to which you refer. Nothing remotely shocking about these Marines being flesh and blood human beings like the rest of us. While it's been awhile since I've seen FMJ, I don't recall that gal being a child either

Of course, they weren't Captain America superheros but the film spends half of its time showing you the process they go through to break a man down and build him back up to become unquestioning, killing machines. So much so that a guy cracked from the pressure and murders his drill sergeant. And yes, the gal looked to be about 13 years old.

What makes the grass grow?!

Blood! Blood! Blood!

What are we made for?!

To Kill! Kill! Kill!


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