Keskustele nimikkeestä Cold Blood Legacy

I love Jean Reno - he was the only reason I watched this film. So he is a legendary retired hitman living in the wilds of snowy Washington State - when out of the blue a woman turns up on her snowmobile which she crashes and gets badly hurt to the point of death unless she is treated. I guess it was a good job that he was at home then - because of course this was no accident - you would have thought that a deliberate act such as this would have been accomplished in a far less injurious manner - but let's assume she is just naturally thick and didn't arrange it in a way that didn't endanger her life. We have the sad old trope of the hitman's victims child being called Charlie - of course you know immediately that it is a girl and that this is she. As does the hitman because it appears that he "left signposts" to allow her to find him - not quite sure how he did that - but anyway - once found - what does he do? He saves her life of course - not once but twice - by the way he says the name she gave him - Melody - we know he knows who she is - not only but also she was the second part of the contract - whoooo - so why didn't he just let her die then? and who put out the contract - all he has is a phone number which we assume she recognises. In a crushingly stupid ending this legendary hit man shoots in the air to lead the police pursuers to exactly where they are and boom. The end - no follow on to her finding and killing the guy who put the contract out - which kinda makes her a hitwoman - which makes her a kind of hypocrite. Sorry to see Jean Reno in crap like this.

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