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Chicken for Linda! (2023)

NR 04/05/2024 (US) AnimationComedyFamily 1h 13m
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Single mother Paulette decides to make up for her mistake by cooking a chicken with peppers for her daughter — only she can't cook and shopkeepers are on strike.

  1. Chiara Malta

    Director, Writer

  2. Sébastien Laudenbach

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Mélinée Leclerc

    Linda (FR)

  2. Clotilde Hesme

    Clotilde Hesme

    Paulette (FR)

  3. Laetitia Dosch

    Laetitia Dosch

    Astrid (FR)

  4. Estéban


    Serge (FR)

  5. Patrick Pineau

    Patrick Pineau

    Jean-Michel (FR)

  6. Claudine Acs

    Claudine Acs

    Mémé (FR)

  7. Jean-Marie Fonbonne

    Jean-Marie Fonbonne

    Il Capo (FR)

  8. Antoine Momey

    Kevin (FR)

  9. Pietro Sermonti

    Pietro Sermonti

    Giulio (FR)

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Chicken for Linda!
Chicken for Linda!

Original Title Linda veut du poulet !

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue $685,093.00


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