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Monday's Girls (1993)

09/12/1993 (CA) Documentary 50m
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"Monday's Girls" explores the conflict between modern individualism and traditional communities in today's Africa through the eyes of two young Waikiriki women from the Niger delta. Although both come from leading families in the same large island town, Florence looks at the iria women's initiation ceremony as an honor, while Azikiwe, who has lived in the city for ten years, sees it as an indignity.

  1. Ngozi Onwurah


Top Billed Cast

  1. Caroline Lee-Johnson

    Caroline Lee-Johnson

    Narrator (voice)

Full Cast & Crew

No videos, backdrops or posters have been added to Monday's Girls.

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


Content Score 


Still needs a little work.

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