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Rosa Luxemburg (1986)

12 04/10/1986 (DE) DramaHistory 2h 2m
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Polish socialist and Marxist Rosa Luxemburg works tirelessly in the service of revolution in early 20th century Poland and Germany. While Luxemburg campaigns for her beliefs, she is repeatedly imprisoned as she forms the Spartacist League offering a new vision for Germany.

  1. Margarethe von Trotta

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Barbara Sukowa

    Barbara Sukowa

    Rosa Luxemburg

  2. Daniel Olbrychski

    Daniel Olbrychski

    Leo Jogiches

  3. Otto Sander

    Otto Sander

    Karl Liebknecht

  4. Hannes Jaenicke

    Hannes Jaenicke

    Kostja Zetkin

  5. Karin Baal

    Karin Baal

    Mathilde Jacob

  6. Winfried Glatzeder

    Winfried Glatzeder

    Paul Levi

  7. Charles Regnier

    Charles Regnier

    Jean Jaurès

  8. Hans-Michael Rehberg

    Hans-Michael Rehberg

    Waldemar Pabst

  9. Charles Brauer

    Charles Brauer

    Gefängnisdirektor, Breslau

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg

Status Released

Original Language German

Budget -

Revenue -


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