Über RoboCop 2 diskutieren

I have a strange attraction to some sequels from the 90's that were criticized by both fans and movie critics. I'm talking about this one, Die Hard 2, Alien 3, Predator 2, Gremlins 2, House 4, Leathal Weapon 3

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I like Robocop 2, Die Hard 2, and Alien 3. Didn't care for Predator 2, Gremlins 2, or House 4. Never seen any of the Lethal Weapon movies.

@MirrorUniverse said:

I like Robocop 2, Die Hard 2, and Alien 3. Didn't care for Predator 2, Gremlins 2, or House 4. Never seen any of the Lethal Weapon movies.

still happy I'm not alone with RoboCop 2, Alien 3 and Die Hard 2

Die Hard and Lethal Weapon for sure had better sequels, in my opinion. This one was all over the place. Half the time it wants to be the comedic, and then it wants to be dark and gritty. It is pretty obvious that it wasn't the same team behind the first film that came back for this one. It seemed pointless to bring up his wife and son in the beginning when they don't use it for anything after that, but just let it hanging. Using a kid as an antagonist... Isn't really convincing to put it very nice. It was also a very odd choice in the end that OCP's flags suddenly, out of nowhere, "mimicked" the style of swastika flags. Just a mess of a film, sadly.

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