Life of Dante (1965)

12/12/1965 (IT) DramaHistory 3h 49m
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3-part biopic of Dante Alighieri made for Italian public television. Mixes reenacted scenes of Dante's public life with readings of his poems, expository narration, footage of modern-day Florence and images of old paintings and documents.

  1. Vittorio Cottafavi


  2. Giorgio Prosperi


  3. Angelo Guglielmi


Top Billed Cast

  1. Giorgio Albertazzi

    Giorgio Albertazzi


  2. Ileana Ghione

    Gemma Donati

  3. Davide Montemurri

    Francesco Alighieri

  4. Andrea Checchi

    Andrea Checchi

    Vieri de' Cerchi

  5. Riccardo Cucciolla

    Riccardo Cucciolla


  6. Mario Baldella

    Dino Compagni

  7. Pier Luigi Zollo

    Pier Luigi Zollo

    Forese Donati

  8. Corrado Annicelli

    Corrado Annicelli

    Palmieri Altoviti

  9. Mario Feliciani

    Mario Feliciani

    Corso Donati

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Vita di Dante

Status Released

Original Language Italian

Budget -

Revenue -


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