Keskustele nimikkeestä House IV

I know, I'm in minority with this. Everyone laughs at this sequel but I love it as much as first 2 films

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I didn't much like this one. It seemed pointless bringing back William Katt only to kill his character in the first few minutes. Plus I don't get if he was playing the same guy from the first movie or if he just had the same name, it didn't make sense.

Got them all on dvd and didn't get very far into IV, but I can always go back to part II - a good mix of comedy, fantasy and horror.

@MirrorUniverse said:

I didn't much like this one. It seemed pointless bringing back William Katt only to kill his character in the first few minutes. Plus I don't get if he was playing the same guy from the first movie or if he just had the same name, it didn't make sense.

I understand your point. Yes, he played the same character and I guess it was the main reason why it was criticized that hard. I defend this movie because I really loved Katt's screen wife and daughter. I cared for these 2 characters. It looks like they wanted to add some "serious drama" which didn't work for many fans

I liked this one too. Totally odd and silly .

I agree it's very odd and silly. Wasn't quite what I was expecting.

My fav is still House II (sorry, got a sweet spot for it..its the one I watched the most as a youth & own the Marvel comic)..

I remember HATING this one, but after watching all 4 in a row, despite its slow pace, its actually a very entertaining movie! Had the more serious tone from the first one and, unlike House III: The Horror Show...actually takes place in a HAUNTED HOUSE! Not sure I like the killing off of Cobb's character right at the beginning, but it made the story a little more "emotional" (maybe moreso then the Great Great Grandpa relationship from House II).

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