Über The Silence diskutieren

It's like the third in the same style/content (silence being main protagonist) and it's as awful as the others...

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@Damienracer said:

@.wojtek said:

It's like the third in the same style/content (silence being main protagonist) and it's as awful as the others...

Netflix is moving towards dark fantasy, dark sci-fi, morbid genre.

I don't mind dark or sci-fi... but post-apo/gore is kinda getting boring...

They're just cranking out content. All original content the direction they're going in. Once they have a large enough catalog, all the other stuff will go away or they'll host it on an offshoot platform.

The Dirt was the best original NETFLIX film I think I've ever seen.

I think we need to remember that in general a Netflix Film is not actually made by Netflix or commissioned by Netflix (although some are but these are a minority). In general, the Netflix Films are films that have been made and Netflix buy the exclusive distribution rights.

So if film makers create different types of films then Netflix will likely buy them. But if film makers are making similarly themed films then that's not down to Netflix themselves - in most cases of the "Netflix Film" branding they are simply distributors.

Netflix would only buy films they believe their subscribers would want to watch, not just whatever fillmmakers produce.

Also, they are "investing" $100 Million dollars into a New York City "production hub."

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