Zonad (2010)

NR 09/07/2013 (US) Commedia 1h 18m
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From Space... (Probably)


Zonad (Simon Delaney) is from space…probably. Or so the Cassidy family assume when they discover an apparent alien in a shiny red space suit and helmet passed out on the living room floor beside the drinks cabinet. The Cassidys and the people of Ballymoran make the intriguing visitor feel very welcome (and in the case of mother Mary, Donna Dent, and teenage minx Jenny, Janice Byrne, they make him feel very welcome indeed). At first, Zonad tries to evade the warm welcome of the villagers, although the procession of wanton women and free beer gets the better of him. Why give up on a good thing?

  1. John Carney

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Kieran Carney

    Director, Screenplay

Attori In Primo Piano

  1. Bernie Butler

    Local Woman

  2. Janice Byrne

    Jenny Cassidy

  3. Simon Delaney

    Simon Delaney

    Liam Murphy / Zonad

  4. Donna Dent

    Donna Dent

    Mary Cassidy

  5. David Pearse

    David Pearse


  6. Rory Keenan

    Rory Keenan

    Guy Hendrickson

  7. David Murray

    David Murray


  8. Geoff Minogue

    Richard Cassidy

Cast e troupe al completo

Nessun video, sfondo o poster sono stati aggiunti a Zonad.

Stato Rilasciato

Lingua Originale Inglese

Budget $3,000,000.00

Incasso $2,500,000.00

Parole Chiave

Valutazione Contenuto 


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