Keskustele nimikkeestä The Junior Olsen Gang Rocks It

Item: The Junior Olsen Gang and the Rock Stars

Language: en

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Wrong title, both in norwegian and translated.

The correct norwegian title is "Olsenbanden jr. på rocker'n", and the correct translated title is "The Junior Olsen Gang Rocks It"

14 vastausta (sivulla 1, sivuja yhteensä 1)

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according to imdb and Wikipedia the original title is correct I couldn't find an english title

It's a minor thing, but the "jr." in the norwegian title should be written with a lowercase "j".

It's a minor thing, but the "jr." in the norwegian title should be written with a lowercase "j".

I made the change, it's not worth fighting for.

I couldn't find an english title

Me neither. It's probably safer to lock the En-Us title blank and add them both as alternative titles. @prostapostei Do you know if the movie was ever released in the US (or any English speaking country)?


According to the films sales agent, Trust Nordisk, it was part of the International FF for Children and Youth in the Czech Republic in 2005 under the title: "The Junior Olsen Gang Rocks It". This is the english poster.

Source: Trust Nordisk

All right. Blank for now then. But let's hope it hits an English-speaking market eventually relaxed

But, why? The film has an english title. The Zlin festival in Czech Republic is an international film festival. Doesn't that count for an english-speaking market?

In my book, no, not really. I'm thinking more of countries like US/CA/UK. disappointed

I just posted a question regarding this to the forums. According to other mods, the festival title should be added as the translated title.

@lineker ?

it's a norwegian movie, so why not leave the original title and all others are alternative titles? That has nothing to do with a special market I think, normally we stay with the original title and if there is no translated title for a country then the field should be blank

This is the second film in a film series and it's the only one on tmdb under its original title. If you decide to keep the original title, maybe remove the english titles from the other films? Some of them are locked, so I can't do it myself.

The Junior Olsen Gang Goes Submarine

The Junior Olsen Gang at the Circus

The Junior Olsen Gang and the Silver Mine Mystery

The Junior Olsen Gang and the Master Thief

The Junior Olsen Gang and the Black Gold

I'll check them later, but I handled one of your other reports. If I remember correctly, I know The Junior Olsen Gang and the Black Gold aired at a festival in the UK (and possibly sold on DVD there?).

I took a deeper look searching in the web now, maybe according to the fact that the german title also only seems to be used for a festival I think the english title could be added as english translated title if everyone here will agree , or we can delete the german title as well, but only if it's fact that there was an english title in use for a festival

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