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The Seat Filler (2004)

2004-08-05 (US) ComedyRomance 1h 30m
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She's rich and famous. He's poor and shameless.


Derrick is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop superstar Jhnelle, who mistakes him for a well-known industry executive. With an instant chemistry, the unlikely pair begin to date.

  1. Nick Castle


  2. Mark Brown


  3. Duane Martin


  4. Tisha Campbell


Top Billed Cast

  1. Duane Martin

    Duane Martin

    Derrick Harver

  2. Kelly Rowland

    Kelly Rowland


  3. DeRay Davis

    DeRay Davis


  4. Mel B

    Mel B


  5. Patrick Fischler

    Patrick Fischler


  6. Shemar Moore

    Shemar Moore


  7. Denise Dowse

    Denise Dowse

    Derrick's Mom

  8. Glynn Turman

    Glynn Turman

    Derrick's Dad

  9. Kyla Pratt

    Kyla Pratt

    Diona Harver

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Seat Filler
The Seat Filler

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